Saturday, November 14, 2009

Beauty Lighting

I did a blog article on beauty lighting a few months ago but I love the results of this lighting setup so much, I wanted to share again. Last time I used one light from above and a reflector at the bottom. This time I used one light from above inside of a beauty dish and one light from the bottom inside of a medium softbox and this is the result.

My lovely wife Michele


Doug said...

Great capture. Can you share the distance of the above and lower light....and power settings?


Will King said...

Hi Doug. I don't remember the power settings on the lights, however, the distance of the lights are just outside the frame of the shot. The softbox below is actually pressed against her stomach and the beauty dish above is probably only 20 inches away from her head.

Doug said...

wow...I will assume a low power setting then =) Thanks for sharing

Dan Milham said...

Your wife is truly lovely and your photographs show how much you care for her. I hope to convince my wife to let me use her as a subject more often. I love to make pretty pictures of her.